17 All Star, NBA scoring third in the standings, the 2008 MVP and two finals MVP, five NBA championships, 6 feet 6 inches back, from Lyon high school Luoerma, 1996 years for them to win the championship, 24, kobe - Bryant
17 All Star, NBA scoring third in the standings, the 2008 MVP and two finals MVP, five NBA championships, 6 feet 6 inches back, from Lyon high school Luoerma, 1996 years for them to win the championship, 24, kobe - Bryant
08年NBA全明星全部队员名单东部:教练:凯尔特人队的主教练道奇·里弗斯先发五人组:加内特、霍华德、基德、韦德、詹姆斯替补:比卢普斯、波什、巴特勒、汉密尔顿、贾米森、皮尔斯、约翰逊西部:教练:黄蜂队的主教练拜伦·斯科特先发五人组:安东尼、科比 、姚明、艾弗森、邓肯替补:布泽尔、纳什、诺维茨基、保罗、罗伊、斯塔达迈尔、韦斯特